Liaison Group
It was decided early on in the management of the SAC that the Relevant Authorities group would work with interest groups from around the site. This is extremely important for a number of reasons, including:
- The sea plays an important role in the livelihood of many people
- Many people use the sea as a source of enjoyment
- It is an extremely difficult environment to manage
- By working together we can increase each other’s knowledge of the area and share information
- There is a lot of expertise out there amongst the people who use the sea on regular basis
Public meetings were held in 1999 and 2000 to provide information and discuss the SAC. At these meetings it was clear that many people wanted to become involved in helping to manage the site. The result of these discussions was that a Liaison Group was established to represent as many interest groups as possible. Two members of the public were nominated to represent each interest group – one for the north of the site and one for the south. Where more than one person was nominated for a particular interest, one individual acts as the main representative, with others acting as deputy representatives and being corresponding members of the group. The Liaison Group now meets twice each year to receive and provide information and to air any concerns. For terms of reference for the group click here. For minutes of Liaison Group meetings click here.
Interest groups represented on the Liaison Group:
- Commercial Fishing
- Farming
- Industry
- Recreation
- Recreational Fishing
- Tourism
- Wildlife
- Other
- Local Authority Representatives
- Community Councils
If you have any questions, issues or concerns about the SAC then please contact the SAC Officer.