PLAS Biosecurity Plan
Native species are plants and animals that grow and live here naturally. Over the last few hundred years we have transported many species all over the world outside of their natural range, both accidently and by design. These are called non-native species. A small number of these non-native species can have a serious impact on local species, our health and/or the local economy. These are called invasive non-native species (INNS). Marine INNS are a significant threat to global biodiversity and can have detrimental socio-economic impacts on activities such as fishing, shipping and aquaculture.
Biosecurity measures can prevent the introduction and spread of INNS and limit the likelihood of a species entering an area in the first place; such measures are particularly important for marine ecosystems, where eradication and control techniques have been shown to be less effective.
This project hopes to develop a biosecurity plan for the PLAS SAC and inform effective biosecurity planning for the whole of Wales. A crucial aspect of the project is to engage with key stakeholders such as local fishermen and the SAC Liaison Group to ensure that we use the best information possible and produce a plan that is both effective and easy to use.

The project will be delivered in 3 stages:
- Gather evidence to underpin biosecurity planning for PLAS
- Develop a biosecurity plan for PLAS to minimise new anthropogenic introductions and reduce the spread of existing marine INNS
- Implement the biosecurity plan and monitor its effectiveness
We want to make sure that this biosecurity plan works. It needs to be effective in preventing the introduction and spread of INNS but it also needs to be user friendly and appropriate for the area. This is why we need your help. If you would like to know more about the project, have some information to share or would like to get involved in any way please email us at
For information about events and workshops please check our social media pages:
Facebook: Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau
Twitter: @ACA_PLAS_SAC
This project is funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
Video about INNS:
For more information:
PLAS Biosecurity Project Updates:
Check Clean Dry campaign:
Recording INNS:
Reports on INNS:
Welsh Marine INNS Pathways Assessment
Assessing the impact of key INNS on Welsh MPA features, fisheries and aquaculture