Created as the tide turns, strand lines are what gets left behind by the sea at the highest point of the tide. They are a great place to look for clues to the creatures that make their homes in the sea and also to the effects that humans can have on our seas. Generally easy to see as a line of seaweed, stretching the length of the beach, it will usually contain both natural and human made items.
Interesting Facts
Sand hoppers are a type of crustacean. They are approximately 2cm long, during the day they are buried in the sand or hidden in strandline debris. They spend the winter in a dormant state, buried in the damp sand above the high tide mark at depths of up to 50cm.
Activity: Strandline hunt
A scavenger hunt for some of the natural items that can be found on our beaches. Once all the items have been found the activity helps you to discuss each species and how they are adapted to live where they do.

Activity: Sea search
A classroom word search activity featuring lots of seashore species.
Activity: Hidden haiku
A creative writing exercise that uses the Haiku structure to allow the children to create clues to marine species for their classmates to try to identify.