Morfa Gwyllt Lagoon Project
There is one coastal lagoon within the SAC, the Morfa Gwyllt lagoon, which is located on the south side of the mouth of the Afon Dysynni. Morfa Gwyllt is a small percolation lagoon, the only one of its type in Wales.
The Morfa Gwyllt lagoon is a small, shallow lagoon sensitive to a number of direct and indirect impacts. Currently the lagoon is considered to be in unfavourable condition due to a reduction in the number of lagoon specialist species and variety of species associated with the lagoon wildlife communities. Whilst it may be expected that the species in the lagoon will undergo some variation, the reduction in species recorded in monitoring surveys is of concern. There is obvious evidence of impacts on the lagoon, most notably from motorbikes using the shingle spit area, litter and potential impact from dogs in the lagoon and fouling the surrounding area.
This project aims to look at the issues affecting the lagoon and develop a community project to address them. Work will include:
- Practical management measures
- Raising awareness
- Monitoring
- Stakeholder engagement and involvement
It is essential that the local community and site users be involved in this project to ensure the long-term success of the project. The local community, site users and site managers will be included at every opportunity.
For more information please contact us:
01286 679 495